Personal Counselling


Personalized psychotherapy tailored to suit your needs

 Counselling Personal

  1. Relationship Counselling
  2. Depression Counselling
  3. Anxiety Counselling
  4. Anger Management Counselling

Are you feeling stuck in a behavioural pattern and can't seem to find a way out?

Do you find it difficult to cope? Are you feeling unsure of yourself, feeling lost or lacking direction in life? Is your relationship becoming difficult to manage?

You might be noticing that life can feel overwhelming at low moments. Often, the way we cope can cause us to remain stuck in our problems, rather than resolving them. 

 Life can be stressful and painful, especially if we get triggered. In these moments we may not be able to deal with situations, which can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms.  Addictions, affairs, moving on from partners too quickly, running away and holding on to abusive relationships can become self-destructive pathways.

Many embark on individual therapy when these coping styles take control of them, as they become depressed and anxious. They find ways to alleviate the feelings by looking for comforts, escapes or distractions. Yet, they remain stuck in self-perpetuating and self-defeating behaviour by avoiding how they feel.

We can hold ourselves back by avoiding how we feel. In fact, the way we avoid our feelings can prevent us from fulfilling our real self. We might give up on ourselves because we feel we are not good enough, or lose ourselves in relationships to avoid feelings of rejection.

Are you afraid to be yourself because deep down you fear abandonment, judgement or feel unsafe? Do you end up compromising yourself for the sake of the relationship, sabotaging yourself and your relationships?

If you can relate to this, then you may ask, how can our Personal Counselling Services help you?

Our specific therapy approach targets the underlying issues to eradicate destructive behaviours and resolve them.

Counselling aims to sort out the defensive behaviour that keeps the individual or couple stuck. Build a stronger foundation for your 'self' and develop adaptive coping mechanisms

With our private counselling service become free from stuck patterns of behaviour by transforming how you feel about yourself and your relationship. 

 Individual counselling assists individuals to rebuild the 'self', so that they become unstuck from the internal roadblocks that hold them back, to move forward with life. A healthy sense of 'self' creates the foundation for healthy relationships. Counseling in Melbourne assists individuals to cope more effectively, by managing feelings and changing stuck patterns of behaviour.

Find out how to overcome self-limiting beliefs and defensive coping behaviour by unlocking the real self. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy allows individuals to be free from the unconscious blind spots that interfere with how they perceive themselves and others.  

When to seek personal psychotherapy?

Many ignore personal issues until they hit a rut, so they embark on personal counselling services. It can feel easier to avoid facing difficulties, rather than address them along the way. Often not being sure of ones self occurs from not registering ones thoughts or feelings.

When feelings become too overwhelming, our natural resistance or defences set in, causing us to find unhealthy ways of coping to alleviate the pain, often worsening the depression or anxiety. Individual counselling or psychotherapy can target the underlying issues and resolve unwanted behavior.

Individuals with an impaired sense of self have often internalized that there is something wrong with them, feel worthless or feel harsh toward themselves. In actual fact, these feelings often belong to the past, but become relived in our everyday encounters, causing distress.

When individuals believe that there is something wrong with them, they give up on life and hide themselves to avoid the feeling, often holding themselves back in life, rather than overcoming the feelings and exploring their real self. Once they face their feelings and let them go, they are no longer held back by them and can move forward with their actual life.

These feelings are often pushed down and become awakened during times of stress. When the feelings are too much, they can be projected outside of us, so that we do not feel this way.

Many who undertake individual counselling externalize their problems as being outside their control, so they feel powerless to change them. Often they feel it was the partner, boss or friend who made them angry. Many feel that if others change then the problems will go away. The way we protect ourselves from pain stops us seeing the part we contribute towards our problems, so we do not feel responsible for changing ourselves. 

Without healing, individuals remain stuck in self-defeating behavior, feeling unable to change. Private counselling allows individuals to work through these feelings and modify them, so they can be put to rest and not have a debilitating impact on them.

Some feel that if they move countries, find a new partner or get a new job that their problems will go away.  The truth is that you take your ‘self’ where ever you go; so the problems often repeat themselves, until you work on them.

Melbourne Personal Counselling 2 According to James Masterson (1988) those with an impaired sense of 'self' end up blaming “life” rather than owning their problems, so they avoid facing them, becoming passive to taking responsibility for life's challenges, denying the impact that these problems have on their lives. Many are fearful of looking within to find themselves. Instead the 'false self'' takes over by defending against painful feelings and avoiding facing reality. When the 'real self' hides behind feelings, the' self' remains impaired and does not grow, but avoids painful feelings, with self-defeating behaviors, which enable them to further escape reality, rather than face it.

  Individual counselling assists to build a stronger foundation for  your 'self' by increasing the capacity to cope so life becomes smoother. Listening to ourselves tells us what we need and informs us on how we can implement change.

We specialize in the Masterson therapeutic approach, which promotes the 'real self' to flourish, so the self becomes strong enough to cope with emotions and overcome self-destructive behaviors. Our psychotherapist allows individuals to activate their real self, develop confidence, manage feelings, enable better coping mechanisms, stability and continuity in the self. Counselling allows individuals to see themselves and others more clearly, while feeling secure within themselves and relationships (Masterson, 1988).

As a Masterson therapist or psychotherapist, our therapist is specialised in working with the impaired self, to strengthen the self, so the self can face life challenges and better manage situations, by progressing the self to grow. Self cohesiveness creates a sense of stability in relationships,  work,  career, etc. It is by working on developing the self that one can move past areas that keep them stuck.

Our individual counselling service allows individuals to process uncomfortable emotions, so they are better managed within, overcoming defensive patterns that become rigid and self-perpetuating cycles.

Contact us today

Use the enquiry form or call 0449 861 147  to book an appointment. Sign up for our newsletter for free tips and advice.

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All content is copyright Nancy Carbone 2017